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Intel logo Xeon Gold 5218
AMD logo Athlon II X3 425

Intel Xeon Gold 5218 logo AMD Athlon II X3 425 logo
General information Xeon Gold 5218 Athlon II X3 425
Launched Q3 2019 Q3 2009
Used in Server Desktop
Factory Intel AMD
Socket FCLGA3647 AM3
Clock 2.3 GHz 14.8 % 2.7 GHz 0 %
Cores 16 0 % 3 81.3 %
Threads 32 0 % 3 90.6 %
Thermal Design Power (TDP) 125 W 0 % 95 W 24 %
Performance Xeon Gold 5218 Athlon II X3 425
Overall Score 61404 0 % 31696 48.4 %
Future Proof 72 % 0 % 14 % 80.6 %
Benchmark Score 14216 0 % 1009 92.9 %
Single Thread Score 2250.4 0 % 1088.6 51.6 %
Encrypting Data 9463.5 MB/s 0 % 2325.4 MB/s 75.4 %
Compressing Data 355.2 MB/s 0 % 35 MB/s 90.1 %
String objects sorting 41662.5 thousand/s 0 % 4382.1 thousand/s 89.5 %
Prime numbers generation 84.3 millions/s 0 % 6 millions/s 92.8 %
Mathemathic operations (integer) 81454.8 millions/s 0 % 4680.3 millions/s 94.3 %
Mathemathic operations (float) 47829.3 millions/s 0 % 3593 millions/s 92.5 %

Comparison of average FPS

Comparison of average FPS count by settings on resolution 1920 × 1080 (FHD (1080p)) for Xeon Gold 5218, Athlon II X3 425.

Average frames per second Xeon Gold 5218 Athlon II X3 425
Screen resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels   Change
Ultra settings 137.1 FPS 49.0 FPS
High settings 219.3 FPS 78.3 FPS
Medium settings 274.1 FPS 97.9 FPS
Low settings 342.7 FPS 122.4 FPS
Difference 0 % 64.3 %

Grand Theft Auto V Frames per second

Comparison of FPS count by settings on resolution 1920 × 1080 (FHD (1080p)) in game 1920 × 1080 (FHD (1080p)) for Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto V Xeon Gold 5218 Athlon II X3 425
Screen resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels   Change
Ultra settings 158.7 FPS 106.5 FPS
High settings 253.9 FPS 170.4 FPS
Medium settings 317.4 FPS 213.0 FPS
Low settings 396.7 FPS 266.2 FPS
Difference 0 % 32.9 %
Configuration Settings
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Video game
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