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AMD logo PRO A8-9600B
Intel logo Core2 Duo T5900

AMD PRO A8-9600B logo Intel Core2 Duo T5900 logo
General information PRO A8-9600B Core2 Duo T5900
Launched Q1 2017 Q1 2009
Used in Mobile Mobile
Factory AMD Intel
Socket FP4 Socket-P
Clock 2.4 GHz 0 % 2.2 GHz 8.3 %
Cores 4 0 % 2 50 %
Performance PRO A8-9600B Core2 Duo T5900
Overall Score 35238 0 % 25480 27.7 %
Future Proof 57 % 0 % 11 % 80.7 %
Benchmark Score 1542 0 % 422 72.6 %
Single Thread Score 1273.2 0 % 764.9 39.9 %
Encrypting Data 3510.2 MB/s 0 % 957.7 MB/s 72.7 %
Compressing Data 37.7 MB/s 0 % 16.5 MB/s 56.1 %
String objects sorting 4094 thousand/s 0 % 2433.6 thousand/s 40.6 %
Prime numbers generation 8 millions/s 0 % 2 millions/s 75 %
Mathemathic operations (integer) 13345.4 millions/s 0 % 2193.3 millions/s 83.6 %
Mathemathic operations (float) 4115.3 millions/s 0 % 1668.9 millions/s 59.4 %

Comparison of average FPS

Comparison of average FPS count by settings on resolution 1920 × 1080 (FHD (1080p)) for PRO A8-9600B, Core2 Duo T5900.

Average frames per second PRO A8-9600B Core2 Duo T5900
Screen resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels   Change
Ultra settings 59.4 FPS 33.7 FPS
High settings 95.0 FPS 54.0 FPS
Medium settings 118.7 FPS 67.5 FPS
Low settings 148.4 FPS 84.4 FPS
Difference 0 % 43.2 %

Grand Theft Auto V Frames per second

Comparison of FPS count by settings on resolution 1920 × 1080 (FHD (1080p)) in game 1920 × 1080 (FHD (1080p)) for Grand Theft Auto V.

Grand Theft Auto V PRO A8-9600B Core2 Duo T5900
Screen resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels   Change
Ultra settings 112.4 FPS 95.2 FPS
High settings 179.9 FPS 152.3 FPS
Medium settings 224.9 FPS 190.4 FPS
Low settings 281.1 FPS 238.0 FPS
Difference 0 % 15.3 %
Configuration Settings
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Video game
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